27 — ‘the curator (for sylvère lotringer) by jeremy fernando
This issue is dedicated to — and in loving memory of — Sylvère Lotringer (1938-2021).
The thoughts in it were inspired by texts made by and involving his good self; alongside conversations and seminars with him — tracing the, playing with, confluences, convergences, conversations, divergences, disagreements, dances of, what has come to be called ‘French theory’; with a particular emphasis on the thoughts that were brought forth by and through Kathy Acker, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari, Henri Michaux, Georges Perec, Paul Virilio, amongst others — primarily at The European Graduate School.
‘The curator’ — in the spirit of Sylvère’s approach to thinking — attempts not so much to lay out but to play out constellations of « ideas » such that they are, as he might say, « part of some kind of movement that takes you from one thing to the next », bringing forth — echoing his long-time partner-in-thought, thus crime, Chris Kraus — more an « atmosphere of meaning than any particular meaning ».
To download a copy this issue, please click here: ‘the curator (for sylvère lotringer)’